






1976   京都市立芸術大学西洋画科 卒業
1986   二紀展初出品 以降6年間出品後退会
1995   現代童画会 新人賞
1996   現代童画展 JAL賞
1997   第2回西脇市サムホール展 入選
      現代童画展 会友作家賞(会員推挙)
1998 個展(西脇市岡之上美術館)
      八千代風景画大賞展 2席(買い上げ賞)
1999    リトグラフグループ展(大阪茶屋町画廊)
      伊豆美術祭絵画公募展 入選
      現代童画展 東京都知事賞
2000    第3回西脇市サムホール展 優秀賞
2001    鉄の彫刻とコラボレーション参加(姫路市立美術館)
2002    雪舟グランプリ ますだ入選
2004    第10回朝日チューリップ展 KLMオランダ航空賞
2005    個展(ギャラリーオスカー)
2008    個展(バリ島 ウブドアルマ美術館)
      チャンプアンホテルPlaza Baliにて展示
2009    個展(神戸大丸店)
2010    グループ展(バリ島 ウブドプリルキサン美術館)
2012    大阪市内 画廊 個展等
      グループ展 不二画廊 他
2018   4月 社会福祉法人より依頼の記念作品(100S)納品
2019    個展(国の登録有形文化財豊崎長屋主屋にて)
2021    グループ展 ギャラリー佑英/ギャラリー菊/ギャラリー南京町
2022   3月 ワールドアートドバイに出展
      4月 個展(ギャラリー佑英)


2018 社会福祉法人 出合福祉会

現在    絵画造形総合グループ㈲えむスタジオ代表

Machiko Adachi Profile

1976     Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Western Painting
1986     Niki exhibition first exhibition 6 years after exhibition retreat
1995    Awarded the Rookie of the year in Japan Modern Native Art Society Exhibition
1996     Awarded the JAL in Japan Modern Native Art Society Exhibition
1997     Awarded the bronze prize in “the 100th construction of Okayama castle” contest
           Recommended by the members and awarded the artist prize in Japan Modern Native Art Society Exhibition
       Elected in “the 2nd Nishiwaki Thumbhole”Exhibition
1998      Exhibited at Okanoyama Museum of Art Nishiwaki (Tadanori Yokoo Museum)
          Awarded the 2nd prize in“the first prize landscape of Yachiyo”Exhibition
          Elected in “the fine art festival at Izu”Exhibition
1999     Lithography group exhibition at Osaka Chayamachi Gallery
           Elected in “the fine art festival at Izu”Exhibition
           Exhibited in Art hall,Kobe etc
       Awarded the governor of Tokyo prize in Japan Modern Native Art Society Exhibition
2000   Awarded the excellency in”the 3rd Nishiwaki Thumbhole”Exhibition
2001   Participated in Collaboration with sculpture of iron, which was held at Himeji city Museum of Art
       Exhibited at Okanoyama Museum of Art Nishiwaki(Tadanori Yokoo Museum)
2002    Elected in”Sessyu the grand prize Masuda”Exhibition
2004     Awarded the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines prize in the 10th Asahi tulip exhibition
2005     Exhibited at Gallery Oscar,Kobe
2008    Exhibited at Ubud Arma Museum and Plaza Bali in Bali
2009   Exhibited at Art Gallery,Kobe Daimaru
2010   Group exhibition at Museum in Bali
2011   Exhibited at Fuji Gallery, Gallery Mugen
2012   Solo&group exhibition in Osaka Japan
2019   solo exhibition (at Toyosaki Nagaya owner, a nationally registered tangible cultural property)

2021  Group Exhibition at Gallery Yuei, Gallery Kiku, Gallery Nankinmachi
2022    Group Exehibition BB Plaza Museum of Art
2022.3   Exhibited at World Art Dubai, nominated as an artwork artist
・Managing director of Art school M studio Inc. 
・Director of Non-Political Organization “ma-ma” (art support for children with developmental disorders)
・Licensed  avatar® master